Thursday, November 1, 2007

addendum to anti-title 1

wait the best part of oxford was plotting to get out of ians house. the first time, saturday morning, it was just carrie and i in ians room and he was not there so we had to sneak out on our own and luckily the lady left and rhett helped us but let me tell you we were so prepared to climb down the drain. and the second time was sunday morning and that time it was me carrie morgan and ian all in ians room, and that was a bit more difficult. we schemed for maybe an hour with plans such as, all three of us dressing as ian and pretending to be a long version of him, climbing out the window/drain, various distractions such as pushing ian down the stairs and running out, cutting off his fingers, injuries in general, cutting off rhetts finger as well (which he never found out about that we were planning to do, creepy), and other things. finally, i think we basically just ended up sneaking out while ian went outside to pretend to talk on the phone. again, a relatively easy solution after much much scheming and worrying. altogether, it was very excellent except that the night before ian wouldnt give us the duvet and we had to fight him and all i got out of it were two bruises. suck.

anti-title 1

hello, now that it is november 1 (for fifteen more minutes, shite) and exactly one month later, i can blog because obviously it seems i can only blog once a month wtf i suck at life, sorry friendz. but let me tell you i have been a busy bee.

okay!! where to begin!??! i'm not sure, i can't remember that far back. ok well, first weekend of october, we were visited by three HIGHLY delightful creatures from oxford, aka ian kwok, rhett, and CARRIE GUSS. that is correct. it was glooorious!!!! let me tell you, it was SO GREAT. we did many things, like do many substances and love each other a lot. and we walked around edi which was adorable and i feel like sunday we did something else wait i can't remember shite. WAIT YES I DO so on sunday carrie and i went to the andy warhol exhibit and it was so good!! very very delightful and now there is a certain print i simply must have, it was for his children's exhibit. i will find it and you will all be jealous because it is THAT GREAT. (true story). and then carrie and i had to try to plan how to hide her when the housekeeper came because she is notsupposed to be here so we woke up early and sat panicking and tried to figure out how to hide her. uh turns out that was not a problem. freaking theme of my life. ok so yes then they left.

BUT THEN!!! (prepare yourself) CORRIE BUCK CAME!!! it is true!!! my best friend since 1st grade!! and that was SO WONDERFUL. and yes that was great we did many great things like go to the royal botanical gardens (so good), wherein bill got lost in narnia. very very great. and then we went to a symphony thing and that was amazing and ben greenberg was very ridiculous and also had a literal bushel of apples. wtf. and then corrie got to go on one of our pomona day trips, and we saw the linlithgow castle, the falkirk wheel + roman ruins, and sterling/its castle not really we didnt get inside but thats cool. so that was excellent! and then wait i think we saw a movie, yes? im not sure. wait i think we did and i think i hated it. but thats okay bcz that weekend was very wonderful and i miss it. OHHHHHHHH.

ok and then the weekend after THAT, i went to the isle of skye, which is this bombass beautiful most beautiful place in the world, i would say? YES. okay so its like, in the highlands, but not, and its an island off the west coast of scotland and shit it is just so wonderful. its this very rugged, raw beauty, and amazingly pure and clean and perfect and i would like to live there plz. and there are many sheep farms and i saw more highland cattle! so cute! seriously i went with rose and christian and the only things we all bought were things pertaining to highland cattle and homemade soap. we are great. OH WAIT so that was also awesome because we were freaking straight up ballers and we HITCH HIKED yes its true!! we missed our bus you see bcz the public transport system is rubbish there so we were like uhhh alright. and we hitchhhiked!!! actually it was hilarious bcz we asked a different bus driver how ppl hitch hike here and they told christian to stick out his leg and wave it in the street,and christian was like oh really? we just stick out our thumb and then he told christian to do both at once. so christian did. and it was awesome. and we finally got picked up and guess what? apparently uh NO that is not how you hitch hike, its really just the thumb. hahaaha now im very glad when christian insisted i did it too i refused too. i win! actually everyone won in that situation because it was so hilarious (oh wait, not christian). okso that was wonderful. wait so yes we went to the main city and that was tight and then we took a bus to this place dunvegan that was wonderful and walked through the gardens of a castle and then we realized we missed our bus but then this other bus driver who's bus was oddly expensive GAVE US A RIDE FOR FREE!! man we totally owned that day. and then we had a picnic of foodz and that was good. wait also, ridiculousness: so on the way there we were on this bus driving around the highlands (i think i saw nessie when we drove by loch ness, not kidding, mostly), there was this absurd old man (actually he was probably like 30-40, just had too many drugs) in the seat behind me. so he's like obv drunk, bcz i can smell it, and he gets all excited we're americans and he tells us this stoy about how his 'friend' tried to get into canada but then was sent back right away bcz of security. i dont buy it btw it was totally him. ok and then he and christian talk about loads of drugs for a while and the guy just keeps talking about drugs and raves and where to get them and then he starts talking about it in relation to barcelona or something and at this point christian is just nodding along with him because his scottish accent was quite thick and who can really understand that? suddenly christian realizes that for the like last 10 minutes this guy has actually been talking aboutheroin and oopsie poopsie!! not cool. ok it was also around this time that the guy kept losing control of his seltzer water, which at one point actually dropped to the ground, then proceeded to bounce straight up and splash him in the face all over. of course the guy is completely unphased and continues to ramble on. also he spilled a lot of white pepper everywhere. it was very bizarre. sorry i've grown tired of this subject, and i just realized it makes no sense to anyone else. MOVING ON.

ok soo this past weekend i went to oxford and that was glory. so much glory!! morgan and her two friends came too and so did andrea with me from edi. and we had much fun and did cool things like: see super furry animals (amaaazing concert), watch short movies or pretend to but actually sleep, get very very drunk, yikes,off many alcohols and no dinner oopsie poopsie, and GO TO LONDON. that is right i went to london with goose and morgan and it was awesome and i love it and we saw hitler wearing a tutu chainsmoking while watching children on a carousel that we also happened to be on. what a LOVELY day. and then i missed my flight back home and had to reschedule and wait i dont want to talk about it actually bcz that was the worst day i've had in like i dont know a very long time.

awesomely enough, i also had many papers due during that weekend, which made the whole thing very hectic. luckily im a baller and YES i did finish them all, thank you. ok and now i feel this is very long and i dont feel like typing anymore so you must be content with this. but i am doing well and ok wait tell me your answer: if you could go to one place, where would you go? SWEDEN or PARIS. plz write and tell me kthanks.