Thursday, November 1, 2007

addendum to anti-title 1

wait the best part of oxford was plotting to get out of ians house. the first time, saturday morning, it was just carrie and i in ians room and he was not there so we had to sneak out on our own and luckily the lady left and rhett helped us but let me tell you we were so prepared to climb down the drain. and the second time was sunday morning and that time it was me carrie morgan and ian all in ians room, and that was a bit more difficult. we schemed for maybe an hour with plans such as, all three of us dressing as ian and pretending to be a long version of him, climbing out the window/drain, various distractions such as pushing ian down the stairs and running out, cutting off his fingers, injuries in general, cutting off rhetts finger as well (which he never found out about that we were planning to do, creepy), and other things. finally, i think we basically just ended up sneaking out while ian went outside to pretend to talk on the phone. again, a relatively easy solution after much much scheming and worrying. altogether, it was very excellent except that the night before ian wouldnt give us the duvet and we had to fight him and all i got out of it were two bruises. suck.


Morose said...

i have not kept in touch and i fail. sorry. love you! hi! glad you are alive and enjoying yourself ... hug sarah tung for me if you see her and hug j han and hug yourself too! :)

ElizaFinley said...

lol, nice to know that a little bit o' europe doesn't change ian a bit